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A 32 year old female presented to the clinic complaining of heavy menstrual bleeding, easy fatigability and shortness of breath. Upon examination the patient looked pale and you noticed the following:

What is this abnormality called?

Name one disease/condition causing this abnormality?

The Hematology System        

A blood smear showing red blood cell with an arrow pointed at one

What is the abnormal appearance of the red blood cell called ?

Name 2 diseases/conditions associated with this abnormal appearance?

A 9 year old African American boy presented to your well-baby clinic for his regular check up. Upon examination, you noticed the following appearance on the boy’s forehead:

What is the abnormality noticed here?

Which hat hematological disease is this appearance associated with?

What is the management of the underlying disease?

A 65 year old male presented with severe fatigue and pallor for 1 month. He also mentioned a history of weight loss and night sweats for the same duration. On examination, he is febrile, and you noticed a palpable spleen and liver. His last two blood smears showed the following:

What are the abnormal red blood cells pointed at called?

What disease are they commonly associated with?

A 7 year old boy presented to the emergency department with yellowish skin and reddish urination. After taking a thorough history, his father stated that the boy ate broad beans before those changes occurred. Inspection and urine specimen showed the following:

 What is the mode of inheritance of this disease?

Name one abnormal cell change seen if a peripheral smear is taken from this patient?

Name two medications that can cause the same presentation in those patients?

A 23-year-old man presented with malaise, night sweats, loss of weight and intermittent fever dating from a flu-like illness 3 months previously. On examination, he had bilateral, cervical and axillary lymphadenopathy.

The biopsy showed the following:

What is the abnormality seen in the slide ?

What is your diagnosis ?

A 12 years old boy presented with a swollen knee. Further history taken from the father revealed that the patient gets bruised easily. Upon inspection, you noticed multiple bruises on the patient's hands and the inspection of the knees showed the following:

What is the most likely diagnosis? 

What is the mode of inheritance of this disease?

Name the types of this disease

What are the abnormal red blood cells pointed at called?

Name three conditions/diseases associated with these abnormal cells ?

What is the abnormality noticed in the red blood cells called ?

Name two frequent conditions/diseases associated with these abnormal cells?

What is the abnormality noticed in the red blood cells called ?

Name three conditions/diseases associated with these abnormal cells?

This is a blood smear of a 22 year old  female presenting with pallor, shortness of breath, palpitations and fatigue. She reports a 2 year history of heavy menstrual bleeding.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

Name two characteristics of the Red blood cells in the smear?

A 52-year-old man presents to your clinic complaining of continuous pain in his right leg and calf. He noticed that his right leg was getting more and more swollen and reddish for the last 2 weeks. Further history revealed that he came back from a 16 hour flight 2 weeks ago before the symptoms occurred. Upon inspection, you noticed the following:

What is your most likely diagnosis ?

What is the most specific symptoms of this disease?

What is the treatment of choice for this disease?

This is a peripheral smear with no special staining taken from a patient who had a splenectomy 2 weeks ago: 

What is the abnormality called in the red blood cell pointed at?

Name 2 diseases/conditions associated with this abnormal appearance?

A 5 year old boy presents to the ER complaining that his “stomach hurts” for 2 days.
Physical exam revealed severe abdominal tenderness with guarding, lower extremity stiffness and palpable rash on the legs and buttocks. Three weeks ago, his mother said that he suffered from an upper respiratory infection which had resolved. Upon inspection, you noticed the following “rash”:

What is the most likely Diagnosis ?

Name three organs most commonly affected by this disease ?

A 15 year old boy came to the ER complaining of severe abdominal and back pain. The Pain is progressive and continuous. His mother said that the boy has had similar episode 1 week ago in their home town in Najran. A blood smear was requested 1 week ago and the result showed the following:

What is the abnormal morphology in the blood smear called?

What is your Diagnosis ?

What is the mode of inheritance of this disease

Spot Diagnosis Team:

Ali Al Othman 
Abdallah Bin Shabib 
Fahad Al Sayed 
Mohnnad Al Sammary 

Main Reviewer:  

Husam Al Tahan 

Adel Yasky 
Bader Al Tamimi
Bayan Al Zomaili 

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